Guidelines for 3rd spot round admissions in CITS for session 2023-24
In view of further vacant seats under CITS admissions for session 2023-24, competent authority has approved following extension in admission schedule for all NSTIs/ NSTI (W)s/ Govt. IToTs/ Pvt. ITOTS:
CITS 3rd Round Spot Admission 2023
- The 3rd and final spot admission would be carried out over a period of 03 days, from 16.10.2023 to 18.10.2023.
- All the candidates who appeared in All India Common Entrance Test (AICET)-2023 are eligible, i.e., the cut-off marks for 3rd spot round is Zero.
- NSTIs will be able to admit candidates in all the institutes through their logins for ease of candidates. All ITOTs will be able to admit candidates though their login in their respective institutes only.
- The institutes are required to collect the applications till 1:30 PM on each day (as applicable) and make the merit list of the reported candidates. Based upon the merit only, admissions will be finalized.
- All the institutes are requested to follow standard procedure and ensure that proper registration is done in order of the entry of candidates in the institute.
- Walk-in admissions are allowed in all the institutes. RDSDEs to depute at least one officer to each private ITOT to monitor the admission process.
- NIMI/RDSDE/NSTI/ ITOTs to carry out wide publicity for better reach and timely information to the eligible candidates.
- Candidates maintain discipline for smooth process of admission. Any act of indiscipline will invite action, including rejection of the admissions. However, any such activity needs to be reported immediately to Regional Directors and HoOs/ Principals of concerned institute.
- Daily admitted report may please be provided to CFI section, stating number of trainees reported trade-wise, admitted and rejected or denied. A detailed report/log may also be maintained by the institutes stating the reasons of rejection of trainees, etc.
- Videography needs to be ensured during walk-in admissions capturing entry of trainees, their registration and admission process.
- The last date of Physical reporting in the institute is 27.10.2023. For the candidates admitted in 2nd and 3rd Spot rounds, for AEBAS attendance will be considered from 27.10.2023.
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